Tenders & Procurement

Tendering must be used for all purchases where there is a possibility that the overall contract may exceed £25,000. We sometimes might decide to tender for service contracts lower than £25,000.

All invitations to tender will be listed here, on our website and on the government ‘contract finder’ web page.

Current Tender Opportunities

Grounds Maintenance 2025 - 2028

Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council is seeking tenders from suitably qualified and experienced companies to provide a variety of grounds maintenance services in Lytchett Minster and Upton. The contract will commence on 01 April 2025 for 3 years with the option for renewal for year 4 and 5. This contract is being procured under an open tender process.

The grounds work includes:

  • Maintenance of Upton Recreation Ground
  • Town Council owned land - cutting of grass verges
  • Lytchett Bay View - grass cutting, various
  • Upton Cemetery - grounds maintenance (leaf blowing, hedge cutting (interior and exterior))
  • Play Area - inspections and grounds maintenance.

Tender details and documentation can be found on the government 'Contract Finder' website.  

To be considered, written tenders must have been received in a sealed envelope marked PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL by the Clerk to the Council by noon on 1 December 2024. Please write the name of the contract being tendered for (as shown on the cover page of the ITT) on the outside of the envelope which will not be opened until after 1.00 pm on that day by the Clerk (or Deputy Clerk) in the presence of at least one Councillor. The envelope should be delivered to: Clerk to the Council, Lytchett Minster and Upton Town Council,1 Moorland Parade, Moorland Way, Upton, Dorset BH16 5JS.

Any enquiries should be directed to:Karen Cane, Town Clerk: clerk@lytchettminsterandupton-tc.gov.uk   01202 632070